网络Availabilityvs. uptime和. Downtime的意义


苏珊·乔治。 出版日期:2022年9月26日

您的网络和IT资产应该是全天候可用的. Whether we’re talking about a corporate website or server-hosted in-house resources, 可访问性是一个重要的考虑因素. 当然, 中断和网络停机 do occur, 和 organizations need to measure outages, outage types, 和 overall network performance.

The real question is how to measure, rather than whether there’s a need for measuring. 您是否使用Availability来确定可靠性? uptime呢?? Downtime在什么地方? 以及您应该度量哪些其他Availability指标? If you’re unsure about how to measure network reliability 和 success, this post is for you.


Availability是网络中最关键的因素之一. It’s defined as the probability that your system will work as intended when it’s needed. In other words, when someone wants to access a particular network-hosted resource, can they do so?



You might think that measuring network Availability is as simple as recording the amount of time it is accessible (available). 但事实并非如此. 获取Availability百分比, you’ll need to first subtract the amount of Downtime from the agreed service time 和 then divide that by the amount of agreed service time. 结果就是您的Availability百分比.

Availability和. 可靠性

Availability和可靠性是相互关联但独立的度量. Availability is a measure of the ability of a piece of networked equipment to be operated. 可靠性, 另一方面, is a measure of a piece of equipment’s ability to perform its intended function for a particular amount of time without experiencing a failure.


网络uptime最近被广泛讨论. 它被用于市场营销,并被用作业绩基准. 但是uptime是什么意思呢?


当你剥去所有其他的内涵, uptime just means the percentage of time that a system is ready for operation under normal circumstances. It’s a measure of reliability 和 states how long a machine (or network) has been working 和 available, 而是用百分比表示的.

uptime和. Availability

这两个术语不仅不是同义词, 它们是度量十大赌博正规老平台可靠性的两种不同的度量标准. uptime是一个指标. 它不能保证一定数量的Availability, or that all services or devices connected to a system will be available while the network itself is up 和 operational.

network engineer using laptop to discover how to measure uptime requirements


uptime的计算需要简单的数学. 在大多数情况下,它以年百分比表示. 来确定这个数字, you’ll need to take the number of hours your network is up 和 running 和 then divide it by the number of hours in a year (8,760). 接下来,把它乘以100. 答案就是你每年的uptime百分比.


Uptime requirements refer to the total amount of time that a system is available for end-use applications. 在大多数情况下, it’s communicated as a percentage of total scheduled working hours 和 corresponds to Downtime values.


说到Downtime,是什么? It’s the opposite of uptime – time during which the network is not available for use. Downtime可以由许多原因引起,例如 十大赌博正规老平台器硬件问题或其他 数据中心挑战 就像 谷歌大宕机, which put Gmail 和 other Google tools out of service for up to 20% of the company’s users for just under an hour. Cloudflare, Azure, 和 Amazon Web 十大赌博正规老平台 all experience outages that cause Downtime for systems based on their architectures.



Calculating your Downtime percentage is not much different from calculating your uptime percentage. Simply replace the number of hours of uptime with the number of hours of Downtime, 然后除以一年的小时数再乘以100. Note that your result should be a very small number, something along the lines of .大多数系统为09.


The “Five Nines” is a common term regarding high Availability of services, taken to mean 99.999%uptime. 它还指示每年的Downtime. For example, the Availability level “1 Nine” signals 90% uptime, which equates to 36.每年5天的Downtime. 随着Availability级别的增加,相关的uptime也会增加. 当公司宣传“5个9”时,它指的是uptime的测量值为99.999%或大约5.每年26分钟的Downtime.

五个九 are a significant selling point, which is why suppliers market a 99.999%uptimeSLA. 问题是, 在很多情况下, each additional nine added to an Availability score does not necessarily guarantee greater reliability. 而且没有管理机构或委员会来正式确定五九, each additional nine can be a waste of precious resources in pursuit of an elusive goal. 像这样, it’s more important for 客户 to focus on the supplier or service provider based on their capabilities.

Availability和. uptime和. Downtime

更好地理解Availability, uptime, 和Downtime, you should now be able to make an informed decision about how you measure success 和 reliability.


而uptime, Downtime, Availability当然是衡量的重要指标, 还有一些你应该知道的.


A high customer satisfaction score is a strong indicator that you are offering excellent uptime 和 reliability. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 低客户满意度分数表明你还有工作要做, 比如没有达到预期. 深入研究uptime, Availability, 可靠性指标可以揭示低客户满意度得分.


MTTN st和s for Mean Time to Notify 和 is an average of how long it takes before an MSP or TPM sends out an outage notification to its 客户. The longer the MTTN, the lower the customer satisfaction score in most cases.


MTTR st和s for Mean Time to Repair 和 is a measure of how long it takes an MSP or TPM to restore Availability on average. MTTR得分越低,你的客户就越满意.


平均故障间隔代表平均故障间隔时间. 它是技术产品可修复故障之间的平均时间. 平均故障间隔用于跟踪产品的Availability和可靠性. 故障间隔时间越长,系统越可靠.

学习如何做到 提高MTTN、MTTR和mttbf 在…的帮助下 行业领先的企业网络监控软件 今天.


最终,Availability是更重要的分数. Achieving 100% uptime is an impossibility; even reaching five or six nines is a feat in itself! And although uptime is often the initial focus to drive up technical quality, service Availability is a better metric for driving customer satisfaction in the longer term.

虽然这两个指标都很重要, 尤其是在制定sla时, 重要的是要记住它们只是整体画面的一部分. It’s not just these metrics that are important, but more so what you do with them.

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Susan是Entuity软件的高级产品经理, the industry-leading network performance monitoring software from Park Place Technologies. Susan is responsible for defining 和 driving the functionality available within Entuity, 以及推动全球产品路线图.